A Statement of Evolutionary Dynamics
- M. Galileo I n this perceivable physical universe (10-35cm to 1026 cm, approx.) the force of electromagnetic evolution acts equally on all entities to create the environment for them to become what they do, based on the potential inherent in their collective properties. All universal matter and “ non” or “dark” matter is of equal intrinsic value to the affects of this objective evolutionary force, just as its local physical manifestation, which appears to us as “time” and “gravity,” affects physical objects equally. The individual properties of the entities affected by this force, will react to the application of said evolutionary force with different, but consistent results based upon their inherent “nature,” or composition and “balance” of components.Within each entity’s universe or reality, whether of objective or subjective nature, understanding the affected entity’s properties can predetermine some of its probable eventualities, or future state as it responds to the systematically evolving circumstances caused by the “gravity” or attraction directionally of the force of its evolution and its variable complexity, or “mass.” Man's commonly accepted existing system of time, based on either rotation of the earth (day), revolution around the sun (year), electrons within an atomic structure (Atomic Time) or hours worked in a regularly scheduled payroll cycle (“Thank God It’s Friday”) are obvious examples. The demonstration of the effect of this force can be empirically determined in the evolution of every moment of every reality in this universe as within each entities individual reality, each moment becomes the next consistently, and without fail as it has from the first moment until its last. The consistent force of electro-magnetically powered evolution provides the conditions for the properties of the entity’s reality to become that which they will individually and collectively based on their inherent properties. Properties which have been created logically and consistently, and which are based on their entity’s original nature as it is affected by the electromagnetic force of the power of evolution. Within this universe and as a result of the aforementioned circumstances of the evolution of matter within those parameters, circumstances have been created whereby Man - himself a collection of the interaction of the evolutionary force of electromagnetic energy and responding matter - has developed the capacity of consciousness, or awareness and choice. One result of those circumstances is the possibility within this universe for man to think, and therefore have thoughts. Mans thoughts appear as visions or images which are based on a conscious idea of what can be made real. The dynamic of electro magnetically provoked evolution provides the impetus and mechanics within our universe for mans envisioned reality to be assembled by allowing for each moment to be provided consistently in logical and orderly manner- conditions without which neither man nor nature could logically and effectively create their worlds. The visions of conscious man within this reality are a result of imagery and input received through our senses and which then becomes incorporated as part of the individuals belief system of what is real and possible. To that end, the creation of each reality is based on the information that each entity contains as part of its evolving “nature.” It becomes determinate in the continual reality evolution and creation by making the results of those thoughts the actual life experience by becoming the base of decision and subsequent choice upon which the reality is constructed. MICHAEL GALILEO